

2021-22年度报告| Herbert S. Boyd Society

Herbert S. Boyd, 被亲切地称为“赫伯叔叔”,于1926年加入索利伯里学校担任财务主管,并成为我们最早的财务主管, 那个时代最慷慨的捐助者. 通过他的工作和慈善精神, 他在学院成立之初就为学院奠定了坚实的财务基础. 

我们社区的成员可以加入 Herbert S. Boyd Society 通过制定一份有利于学校的有计划的礼物——一些例子包括遗赠或创建慈善礼物年金, charitable remainder unitrust, 慈善剩余年金信托, or gift of life insurance.

我们非常感谢下面列出的跟随赫伯叔叔奉献的支持者, thoughtful, and esteemed footsteps.


° First-year donor
• Five-year donor
*10- to 19-year donor
**20- to 29-year donor
***30- to 39-year donor
****40- to 49-year donor
*****50- to 59-year donor
† for deceased
H for Holmquist Alumnae

Anonymous (3)
Jay '59 and Kären Abbe*****
Andrew Alpern '56******
Sarah Dawes Bailin '56***
Alice Haines Bates H'47**
Edwin Beemer '74**
Winifred Benade H'39†***
Scott and Mary Bolenbaugh P'09*
Jonathan Bowie†*
Christopher Butch '68*
Sandra Dickson Coggeshall '61****
Dan '63 and Patricia Cohen**
Leonard Cohen '74
Margery Collins '63****
Tom Cooper '41****
Fern-Ann Davy '66†*
jennifer MacConnell Dismukes '73†*
唐纳德和格温·唐利P'53 '55†**
Ray Downs P'68 '71 GP'03 '08 '09†•
Daniel Dunning '64****
Nancy and David Ennis P'91***
Penny Evans和Tony Evans '56†*
Andrée Newsome Falco '63***
Martha Fleischman '71**
Ken Gilbert '68**
Susan McCabe Gillotti '56***
理查德和辛西娅海P'67 GP'08****
Alys Haman '32†***
Mary Harlan '45
Elizabeth Betty Haxall '38†****
Mary April '45和Robert Hill****
Andrew Holland '70°
Ernest Hood '71****
Anita '51 and Robert Howard**
W. W. Keen James '46†
   and Kathleen Kaiser***

Kittie Jepsen '57†**
David Johnson '62**
Barbara Montagu Johnstone '55†****
Beverley Jones P'67 '73†***
Jan S. Karzen '56****
Laurie Kennedy '63**
Carolyn Klinger-Kueter '55**
Valerie Kreutzer*
Richard Lang '67*
Harrie Lewis '35†*****
Trish Littman P'92*
Noelle Kennedy Masukawa H'49*****
Isis Melhado P'68 '70***
William J. 和Holly Heath Mullin P'05 '08*
Kevin Nakashikma '73†***
Rachel Aiken Newkirk '56**
Mrs. James MC Newman†***
Elizabeth Pitcairn '91**
Hermann Platt '54†****
Theresa Quindlen '80*
Carla Zingarelli Rosenlicht H'40**
John Sadwith '68*****
Michael†和Marika Sienkiewicz '56****
Ann Spencer Simon '35†*
Francis Stork '30†*
Lillian Studer†*
Brian Unger P'03•
Gregory Van Dyke '67†°
Faith Allman Viland '56****
Mike Zoob '54****